Social Media Privacy — Real Threat

Safety Concerns And Solution For Social Media Privacy

Seamus Slater
4 min readDec 26, 2021

If you are online, then you are most likely being watched. Criminals with malicious intent are lurking around your social media platforms to steal your identity, photos, and anything else they can get their hands on. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of how detailed you can be with your privacy settings — and many people, myself included, are oblivious to the dangers of the internet. After completing an online safety course, I began to be more mindful about my online privacy. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of how detailed you can be with your privacy settings — and many people, myself included, are oblivious to the dangers of the internet.
Using social media, criminals are skilled at duping people out of sensitive information, stealing personal data, and getting access to accounts that users believe private. The following are examples of common social media threats.

Data Mining

Data Mining is a term that refers to the study of data.
On the internet, everyone leaves a digital trace of their activities. For example, when someone opens a…



Seamus Slater

Writer, Internet Marketer, Human Rights advocate using in your face attitude, fighting injustice implied by big tech and big pharma.